Energy is not only a key element in the
definition of sustainable patterns, but a pillar in societal and
economic activities, including social services in advanced societies.
This is a website devoted to the
analysis of energy sustainability from a scientific and technical
viewpoint. Besides very-long-term
scenarios, potencial and practical ways to evolve from here to there are
also studied.
Energy is not only a key element in the
definition of sustainable patterns, but a pillar in societal and
economic activities, including social services in advanced societies.
The need to foster those services worldwide poses new challenges for
sustaining the road to sustainability.
It is aimend at broadcasting sound
analysis on this subject, taking into account the thermophysical
limitations of our planet and the main interaction mechanisms of solar
energy with the Biosphere and the artificial devices that could be
deployed on Earth's surface.
Although scientific and technical
analysis are based on general foundations with full validity on any
case, applications are cas-dependent in many instances.
Developing or under-industrialized
countries convey specific features that must properly be addressed. On
the other hand, Spain-centered cases are also of primary interest in
these analysis.
Most of the information generated for
the information generated for the website is in Spanish. Nevertheless,
any comment in English will be welcome, in: